Parent and Sibling Future Responsibility Scale


The PSFRS is a 16-item Likert-type questionnaire designed to measure parents' and adult siblings' concerns and plans regarding the long-term care of the mentally retarded adult child.

Alt Title: PSFRS

Title of Book: Handbook of Family Measurement Techniques, vol. 3

First Published: Griffiths, D.L., & Unger, D. G. (1994). Views about planning for the future among parents and siblings of adults with mental retardation. Family Relations, 43, 221-227.

Call Number: HQ728 H267 2001 Vol. 3 Tampa Ref

Page Numbers: 395

Publisher: Sage

Language: English

Author of Test: Griffiths, D.L., & Unger, D. G.

Date of Test: 1994

Resource Type: Text

Test Format: Questionnaire