The Parental and Friend's Approval of Sexual Behavior Scale
Description:PASB and FrASB is a 16-item evaluation that measures an adolescent's beliefs regarding expected reactions of his or her parents and friends to various behaviors.
Alt Title: PASB, FrASB, FASBTitle of Book: Handbook of Family Measurement Techniques, vol. 3
First Published: Treboux, D., & Busch-Rossnagel, N. A. (1990). Sexual network influences on adolescent sexual attitudes and behaviors. Journal of Adolescent Research, 5, 175-189.
Call Number: HQ728 H267 2001 Vol. 3 Tampa Ref
Page Numbers: 77-79
Publisher: Sage
Language: English
Classification: Family Relations Instruments
Subject: Personal Relationships, Adolescents, Friends, Sexuality