Family Intervention Scale


A 5-item rating system for use by family therapists and counselors. Families are rated at the beginning of treatment and again within 30 days following treatment termination. The scale is to be used as a baseline measure of family functioning, as a diagnostic for treatment needs and later as a way to assess changes as a result of treatment.

Alt Title: FIS

Title of Book: Handbook of Family Measurement Techniques, vol 3

First Published: Taynor, J. Nelson, R.W. & Daugherty, W.K. (1990). The Family Intervention Scale: Assessing treatments outcome. Families in Society, 71,202-210.

Call Number: HQ728 H267 2001 Tampa Ref

Page Numbers: 41-42

Publisher: Sage

Language: English

Author of Test: Taynor, J., Nelson, R.W., & Daugherty, W.K.

Date of Test: 1990

Resource Type: Text

Test Format: Scale