Managing Affect and Differences Scale


The MADS is a 118-item scale, with 9 items asessing self-reported happiness and satisfaction within the relationship and the remaining items measuring 12 dimensions of communication and conflict management (leveling, emotional expressivity, validation, love and affection, editing, negative escalation, negativity, feedback, stop actions, focusing, withdrawal, and communication over time).

Alt Title: MADS

Title of Book: Handbook of Family Measurement Techniques, vol. 3

First Published: Arellano, C. M. & Markman, H. J. (1995). The Managing Affect and Differences Scale (MADS): A self-report measure assessing conflict management in couples. Journal of Family Pscyhology, 9, 319-334.

Call Number: HQ728 H267 2001 Vol. 3 Tampa Ref

Page Numbers: 153-158

Publisher: Sage

Language: English

Author of Test: Arellano, C. M.

Date of Test: 1993

Resource Type: Text

Test Format: Questionnaire