Weinberger Parenting Inventory--Parent Version
Description:The WPI--PAR is a 49-item, two part Likert-type scale measuring parental self-perceptions of attitudes and behaviors toward their children and/or stepchildren.
Alt Title: WPI--PARTitle of Book: Handbook of Family Measurement Techniques, vol. 3
First Published: Wentzel, K. R., Feldman, S. S., & Weinberger, D. A. (1991). Parental childrearing and academic achievement of preadolescent boys: The mediational role of socio-emotional adjustment. Journal of Early Adolescence, 11, 321-339.
Call Number: HQ728 H267 2001 Vol. 3 Tampa Ref
Page Numbers: 345-347
Publisher: Sage
Language: English
Classification: Parent-Child Relations Instruments
Subject: Parent-Child Relations, Parents, Adolescents, Children, Child-rearing Practices, Child Discipline, Parental Permissiveness