Childbearing Attitudes Questionnaire
Description:The CAQ is a 76-item Likert-type scale assessing women's perspectives prior to, during, and following pregnancy.
Alt Title: CAQTitle of Book: Handbook of Family Measurement Techniques vol. 3
First Published: Ruble, D. N., Brooks-Gunn, J., Fleming, A. S., Fitzmaurice, G., Strangor, C., & Deutsch, F. (1990). Transistion to motherhood and the self: measurement, stability, and change. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58, 450-463.
Call Number: HQ728 H267 2001 Vol. 3 Tampa Ref
Page Numbers: 222-223
Publisher: Sage
Language: English
Classification: Parent-Child Relations Instruments
Subject: Expectant Mothers, Childbearing, Expectant Fathers, Expectant Parents, Attitudes, Pregnancy