Community Service Attitude Inventory
Description:The CSAI is a 25-item Likert-type scale evaluating willingness of adult primary caregivers to use community services in the care of disabled and/or terminally ill family members.
Alt Title: CSAITitle of Book: Handbook of Family Measurement Techniques, vol. 3
First Published: Collins, C., Stommel, M., King, S., & Given, C. W. (1991). Assessment of the attitudes of family caregivers toward community services. The Gerontologist, 31, 756-761.
Call Number: HQ728 H267 2001 Vol. 3 Tampa Ref
Page Numbers: 366-367
Publisher: Sage
Language: English
Classification: Family Adjustment
Subject: Attitudes, Family Health, Family Caregiving, Terminal Illness, Physical disorders, Caregiver Burden, Disabilities, Health Care Use, Health Services, Service Use, Family Needs